#Stay Home #Save Lives – Wednesday 1st April 2020
Video calls to families are what`s keeping our residents smiling! Phone calls are being made all around the world including Australia, Canada, and America.Thank you to everyone for your continued support in protecting our home during these difficult times. #stayhome #savelives
Thank you – Monday 20th April 2020
St Michaels would just like to say Thank You to all our wonderful staff in every department. Your continued support and dedication is not going unnoticed! Emails and messages are being received daily from residents families and friends to say how grateful and amazing they think you all are. You are a truly wonderful bunch!
It’s nice to see some smiling faces – Friday 24th April 2020
Arts and crafts this morning in between video calls.
Appreciation – Tuesday 28th April 2020
St Michaels would like to thank everyone for their kind words, cards and comments of appreciation. It’s wonderful for the staff to read, it lifts our spirits during this difficult time. Thank you!
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